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Russia Prodded on Georgia Troop Presence

Russia Prodded on Georgia Troop Presence

AP Online
May 13, 2005

The Senate added its voice to that of President Bush in urging Russia
to withdraw its troops from the former Soviet state of Georgia.

In a resolution introduced by the Senate’s Republican and Democratic
leaders, the Senate expressed support for the end of Russian military
presence in Georgia. The resolution was approved by voice vote late

“More than a decade after obtaining its independence, Georgia has not
been able to rid itself of the Russian military presence,” said Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., sponsor of the measure with
Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

“Russia has failed to fulfill its commitments,” Frist said, noting
that more than 3,000 Russian troops are still stationed in
Georgia. “It is time for these forces to leave.”

Bush raised concerns about Russian bases in Georgia during talks in
Moscow before traveling to Georgia earlier this week.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who accompanied the president to
Georgia, also told a Senate hearing Thursday that the United States is
pushing Russia to end its military presence in Georgia as quickly as

Georgia and Russia have been sparring over the timetable for
withdrawal. Tbilisi wants the troops out with two years, if not
earlier, while Moscow insists it needs at least four years, if not
more than a decade to complete the job.

Russian experts said Moscow is motivated by fears its military
presence in Armenia – its closed ally in the strategic Caucasus region
_ could be at risk if it pulls out of Georgia.

Russia does not border Armenia and uses Georgian territory to move
troops and equipment to its military base there.

Nalbandian Albert:
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