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Sadoyan to create groups for the anti-propaganda of the referendum


| 16:18:29 | 13-05-2005 | Politics |


Arshak Sadoyan considers the draft constitution of the coalition represented
in the NA traitorous. According to him, the representatives of the
authorities are for the following time forcefully dictating their will to
the people. During the following press-conference Mr. Sadoyan announced that
the complex political situation created in Armenia makes him take drastic

The bloc of the National democrats with Mr. Sadoyan at the head is going to
create headquarters in all the regions of Armenia and to realize active
propaganda in people. According to Mr. Sadoyan, the draft constitution of
the coalition was a new imitation, as with this draft the President is given
new authorizations, `The draft was published in the press, it was kept
secret from the people, and during the referendum the people will simply not
know what the new draft constitution is’.

Mr. Sadoyan informed that he is ready to cooperate with all the parties who
think the same way and thinks that the only mistake of the opposition was
that they were passive during the elections of the new draft, `The
opposition thought that the coalition draft will be adopted whatever it
might be, and of course they turned out to be right’. According to Mr.
Sadoyan, during the referendum the people must unanimously say `no’ to the
authority of Robert Kocharyan, `And before it all the political powers with
common sense must carry out work so as the results of the referendum will
express the will of the people’.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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