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The leader will be chosen by competition


| 16:32:30 | 13-05-2005 | Social |


Today the final phase of the program `Training in the field of international
relations’ took place. In this connection deputy head of the International
Relations Institute Daniel Worner held a press conference.

The program is a complex of intensive courses lasting two weeks in which 18
officials of Armenia and Georgia take part. The program is realized by the
Geneva International Relations Institute in cooperation with the
organization CINEMA. Its aim is to train Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani
officials in the international field, and bring close the state structures
of the three countries.

Since 2001 the courses have been organized twice a year in Tbilisi, and in
Yerevan they have been organized since 2004 October.

According to Daniel Worner, up to now 60 officials from Armenia have taken
part in the program. By the way, in order to encourage the graduates in 2005
a competition was announced titled «Awards for Leadership». The winners (2
from each country) will leave for Switzerland for 2 weeks.

Harutyunian Christine:
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