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Aliyev, Kocharian hold meeting in joyful mood



WARSAW, MAY 16, ARMENPRESS: Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents Robert
Kocharian and Ilham Aliyev had a two-hour long face-to-face meeting
in Warsaw, Poland on May 15 evening on the sidelines of a Council of
Europe summit. But before their meeting the two presidents met with
OSCE Minsk group cochairmen from Russia, USA and France and a special
representative of the OSCE chairman-in-office Andrzey Kasprzik.

Kocharian, Aliyev and Minsk group cochairmen refrained from speaking
to journalists, who were told that the two presidents had the meeting
in a “joyful mood”.

Azeri foreign minister Elmar Mamedyarov told reporters that the
agenda of the presidents’ meeting was focused on the elements of
peace negotiations within the frameworks of the so-called Prague
process. “Every meeting on the level of presidents is an indication
that the negotiation process is moving forward and I hope it is moving
in the right direction,” Mamedyarov said.

Mamedyarov said the idea of regional peace is becoming stronger
and acceptable to all sides. “The status quo cannot be continued
and the problem is in details,” Mamedyarov said, adding that in
many instances, concerning the details under discussion there is a
similarity of positions, but in some instances the positions of the
sides are radically different. Mamedyarov went on to say that the
Kocharian-Aliyev meeting is a good chance to discuss what had been
done and to think about what should be done to establish peace between
the two nations. “We are neighbors and none of us can transfer their
country to another place and therefore we have to work in order to
find a common language,” he said. Late in the evening Kocharian and
Aliyev again met with Minsk group cochairmen.

Hovhannisian John:
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