BAKU: Minister Of Italy Enriko La Lojia:”Nagorno Karabakh Conflict S


Azer Tag
[May 17, 2005, 12:00:35]

On May 16, chairman of Milli Majlis (Azerbaijan Parliament) of the
Azerbaijan Republic Murtuz Alaskarov has received the minister on
regional affairs of Italy Enriko la Lojia.

Warmly having welcomed the visitor, Mr. Alaskarov has told, that
Italy is one of the first states, which have recognized independence
of Azerbaijan. After establishment of diplomatic links between the
countries, our relations have started to develop in all spheres,
he stressed. The numerous contracts signed during official visit
of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Italy, have opened
a new stage in development of our relations. The links between our
parliaments also develop on ascending. In Milli Majlis, there has
been set a group of friendship with parliament of Italy.

Then, the Speaker in detail informed on the activity of municipalities
in Azerbaijan. He has noted, that Milli Majlis has adopted more than
30 laws connected to municipalities, and prepares for some more laws,
has emphasized importance of exchange of experience for increase of
efficiency of activity of institutions of local government and has
invited having wide experience in this sphere of representatives of
municipal structures of Italy to visit Azerbaijan.

Speaking about the reforms carried out in the country, the achieved
successes, Mr. Alaskarov has touched as well the problems preventing
this development. He has informed on the history, the reasons
of occurrence and bitter consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He has noted that in spite of the fact
that Security Council of the United Nations, the Council of Europe
and other international structures have adopted a number of decisions
and resolutions connected to the conflict, as against the aggressor
serious sanctions have not been applied, the Armenia -aggressor does
not want to release the occupied lands. Azerbaijan adheres settlement
of this conflict within the framework of norms of international law,
on the basis of territorial integrity of the states, in peace way.
Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament has expressed hope that Italy would
support fair position of Azerbaijan in this problem.

Mr. Enriko la Lojia has thanked for warm reception and provided
information, has noted, that he welcomes creation in the Milli Majlis
of group of friendship with parliament of Italy. He has told, that
achieved successes are really noteworthy. Italy supports integration
of Azerbaijan into Europe and is ready to render necessary help in
this sphere.

Enriko la Lojia has told, that he understands, as far as the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict is a painful question for Azerbaijan, has told,
that he is the supporter of settlement of this problem according
to norms of international law, within the framework of territorial
integrity of Azerbaijan.

Then, at the meeting, exchanged were views on some questions,
representing mutual interest.