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BAKU: Pundits react differently to Azeri-Armenian talks

Pundits react differently to Azeri-Armenian talks

Trend news agency
16 May 05

Baku, 16 May: Former presidential aide on foreign affairs Vafa
Qulizada, who is now an independent political analyst, believes
that at a meeting in Warsaw on 15 May the Azerbaijani and Armenian
presidents mainly discussed frequent cease-fire violations along the
contact line between the armed forces of the two countries.

“This meeting was dedicated to the OSCE Minsk group’s concern about
the frequent cease-fire violations along the contact line between the
armed forces of the two countries,” Quluzada told Trend. He believes
that the OSCE Minsk group co-chairs called for order until the sides
find a political solution to the Karabakh conflict.

“I think the presidents might have reached agreement on this. And
an end will be put to the meaningless casualties on the front-line,”
he said.

As for a possibility of progress in the Karabakh talks, Quluzada
believes that the situation is not yet ripe for that. “Because Russia
is not yet ready for that. Russia spares no effort in trying to stay
in the region, so the signing of a peace agreement by Yerevan and Baku
would mean the pull-out of the Russian military bases from Armenia
in the near future,” the political analyst said.

In principle, during the talks in Warsaw the sides might have discussed
some abstract settlement prospects, he said.

“When I say abstract, I mean that under pressure from Russia Armenia
is setting some absurd conditions which are completely unacceptable
for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan will never agree to the loss of part of
its territories,” Quluzada said.

Another political analyst, Rasim Musabayov, is more optimistic about
the meeting between the presidents.

“The fact that the presidents had made no statements about the results
of the meeting showed that the talks were difficult. But they may
try to reach a compromise on certain issues,” Musabayov told Trend.

Musabayov is convinced that the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents
discussed a stage-by-stage settlement plan, because a package solution
will not be acceptable.

The political analyst thinks that there can be no package solution
which will satisfy both sides at the same time. So, they can only
talk about a stage-by-stage settlement.

“Of course, there is very little chance that they will achieve any
results, but it still exists,” he added.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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