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Briefing about nothing


| 14:11:24 | 16-05-2005 | Social |


How many buses does the capital need to expel the microbuses from
exploitation? Asked this question Yerevan municipality Transportation
department head Tigran Ghazaryan answered, “Import buses as we do,
microbuses will work all the same, the only difference is that not
all of them will work”.

Today during the following briefing in the municipality the head of the
department informed that at present there are 46 bus, 125 microbuses
and 7 trolley-bus routes in the capital. 6 bus and 6 microbuses new
routes will be opened. Ghazaryan denied the news that the transport
fees will become more expensive. «There will be no such a thing»
he claimed.

As for the microbuses working for 200 drams at late hours, according
to the head of the department, they act against the law. However,
Mr. Ghazaryan did not even give a hint about the action of the
municipality to cease their activity. It is worth mentioning
that Mr. Ghazaryan skillfully avoids every question concerning the
transportation problems of the capital proving every time that he is
simply “fooling people”.


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