Conflicting law



| 13:39:27 | 14-05-2005 | Politics |

The RA law “On Parties” conflicts with the RA Constitution. This
is the opinion he;d by Stepan Zakaryan, member of Justice faction,
who several years ago presented the law “On Parties” to the National
Assembly on behalf of the Armenian People’s Party. The author of the
law was Vladimir Nazaryan.

Steapn Zararyan says that during the discussions of the preliminary
draft the APP adandoned some of its principles to make the law
admissible for the whole political field. The authors of today’s
amendments do not take into account the opinion of forces at the
political arena. “The draft submitted by us ungerwent considerable
changes. We are adherents to a law, which would not violate the rights
of the political forces. We are against these changes. Taking into
considertaion the present domestic situation in Armenia there are
some apprehentions that the law will not be implemented properly”,
Stepan Zakaryan says.

The possible violations of law were as well discussed with Vladimir
Nazaryan, who said to Stepan Zakaryan, “In this case we should not
draft laws. But we are doing it for normal people”.

The law “On Parties” submitted y the APP also contains an attempt
to regulate the political field. However the demands and minimal
barriers set for the parties were less stricts then the present draft
determines. To note, according to Stepan Zakaryan, the barriers
produced to the parties were admissible for all the political
forces. The opposition parties consider that the law “On Parties”
became antidemocratic in all aspects and characterize the changes
as regress.

Lena Badeyan