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Diplomacy and reality are incompatible for Azerbaijan



| 21:12:00 | 16-05-2005 | Politics | COE SUMMIT |

It is hard to say what the Armenian and Azeri Presidents spoke about
yesterday, but today in the CoE third Summit Ilham Aliev announced that
Armenia has occupied 20% of the area of Azerbaijan and 1 million people
have become refugees, and consequently their rights have been violated.

According to Aliev, they are ready for compromise, that is –
Azerbaijan is ready to recognize the autonomy of Karabakh, but only
in Azerbaijan’s composition. “One member or Europe cannot occupy
the area of another”, announced Aliev. He thinks that CoE and all
the European structures must make all efforts to reestablish the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

According to him, the Azeris are given hope by the NKR resolution
adopted in the PACE winter session, that is – the document created
on the basis on Atkinson’s speech. As he said, the fulfillment of the
demands of the resolution will reestablish the rights of Azerbaijan.

On the whole, the Azeri President thinks that today they are meeting
all the commitment taken upon in front of the CoE: they correspond
their legislation to the European standards. By the way, Ilham Aliev
announced that in Azerbaijan and economic growth has been recorded.

Basmajian Ani:
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