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NKR President Emphasizes Necessity In Karabakh Problem Settlement By


STEPANAKERT, MAY 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Sabine Freizer, Head of the
Caucasian Project of the International Crisis Group (ICG, Brussels)
visited NKR for the purpose of receiving more detailed information
about NKR’s life, getting acquainted with the opinion of country’s
leadership and population about the current situation in the process
of conflict settlement with Azerbaijan and ways of problems solution.
On May 14, NKR President Arkadi Ghoukassian received her. Sabina
Freizer was accompanied by Levon Zurabian, organization’s analyst
on the Caucasus. Sabine Freizer expressed willingness to meet with
representatives of state structures, political parties and citizens.
According to her, a report will be prepared as a result of the visit.
The report will contain information about processes taking place
here and practical recommendations to international structures that
are engaged in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
Emphasizing the importance of the work done by the International
Crisis Group, Arkadi Ghoukassian expressed hope that the report will
make a positive contribution to creation of constructive atmosphere
around peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. According
to the General Information Department under NKR President, Arkadi
Ghoukassian acquainted the guests with the processes of democratization
in the republic, achievements in construction of a civil society,
reformation of economy, creation of conditions for NKR people’s
deserved life. Presenting official Stepanakert’s position concerning
principles of Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, Arkadi Ghoukassian
emphasized inadmissibility of resumption of military operations and
necessity to solve the problem exclusively by peaceful means, as well
as to form atmosphere of confidence between the sides. Besides, the
head of the state especially emphasized that achievement of a final
and mutually acceptable settlement will be possible only with NKR’s
participation in the negotiations process as an equal side.

Karagyozian Lena:
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