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Problem solved without the government



| 19:03:36 | 16-05-2005 | Social |

Today at about 5:30 p.m. finally an agreement was signed between
“ArmenTel” and “K-Telecom”. Previous to it long negotiations have taken
place in which experts both from Armenia and from abroad took place.

According to our sources, the final variant of the agreement was
ready on Friday, but the sides needed time to agree upon the 100-page
document which must put an end to the problems of communication in
Armenia and contribute to the quick access of “K-Telecom” to the
Armenian market.

Today’s meeting was important by the fact that the sides have
negotiated without the regulating body, that is the government. The
sides had chosen Vahe Yaghoubyan, Government advisor as Justice of
Peace. Nevertheless, he acted not on behalf of the government but as
a lawyer having authority for both sides.

Karapetian Hovik:
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