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Armenian President Is The First Adherent Of Establishment Of Stabili


WARSAW, MAY 17. ARMINFO. “I do not know who in Armenia is interested
in spreading rumors that Armenians are oppressed in Georgia. Evidently
it is connected with any processes of home policy in Armenia, however,
it does not correspond to reality”, stated Georgian President Mikhail
Sahakashvili at a press-conference in Warsaw answering a question of
ARMINFO’s reporter.

In his words, such rumors are not by chance as Georgian government
for the first time follows a policy of integration of national
minorities. “We pursue a policy of appointment of national minorities’
representatives to various posts and instruction in administrative
skills. We realize a political-and-social development program of all
the regions where national minorities live compactly”, Sahakashvili
noted and added that rumors on oppressions of Armenians in Georgia
proceed neither from Tbilisi nor from Yerevan interests.

“I talked today to my friend Robert Kocharyan. We discussed this
issue and noted that it is neither of Armenian nor of Georgian peoples
interests. Nothing and nobody can divide us”, Sahakashvili stressed
adding that political parties interested in deterioration of relations
between friendly Armenia and Georgia may have a right to their own
point of view. “However, as history proves, Georgia and Armenia have
never had problems to each other and it is impossible at all in the
light of present structuring of Georgian statehood”, he noted.

Sahakashvili also informed that during a meeting with his Armenian
counterpart they discussed prospects of development of regional
cooperation in Transcaucasia, the process of peaceful settlement of
Nagorny Karabakh conflict as well as issues connected with frontier
cooperation and cooperation in the spheres of energy and CIS future.
“I think, Kocharyan is a very realistic and experienced person,
therefore I consult with him on many problems. We have the closest
relations”, Georgian President stated.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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