Categories: News

Strike – You Dare To Speak Out, You Are Out

Iravunk semi – weekly
May 17, 2005 issue



The strike of some 500 employees at Sotk gold mine, initiated back in
April and continued up until today with some interruptions, has reached
it’s “logical” conclusion: a decision was made to fire all 500 striking

It is not new that the government of our country first welcomes with joy
the investors, sells state properties with applauds to them, and later
distances itself, with “hands washed”, from any further responsibility.
As always happens in such situations, the victim is the ordinary
citizen. Sotk gold mine employees always complained about the owner’s
attitude towards them, which attitude eventually lead to the strike. The
reality is that Ararat Gold Recovery Company, taking an advantage of the
socio – economic situation in Vardenis, always enters into 3 months
employment agreements with its employees the longest. Entering into such
short – term employment agreements, indeed, is not against the law, but
that means no trust in their future by the employees. The employees also
complain that the company refuses to pay the rise in salaries available
to employees working in high altitude areas, whereas the salaries are
rather small, which, in addition, are paid in US dollars equivalent
amounts. Fall in USD – AMD rates added to the problems, which, according
to Vardenis residents “may not continue any longer, we suffer losses.”
According to the employees, the company explains the low salary rates by
saying “no gold in the mines, no money to you”, which is unacceptable
for the employees, who are saying “they are mining the gold out, what
else they want, fire from God?” Thus, Vardenis resident employees
initiated the strike at the end of the last month demanding a rise in
salaries, stabile USD – AMD rates, “humane employment agreements in
Armenian drams”, meeting with the Prime Minister. “The Indians (the
owner of the mine is an Indian company) asked us to return to work
promising satisfaction of our demands,” say one of the employees, “we
returned and worked, but they lied, so we had to continue the strike
again. We will not return to work unless our demands are satisfied, and
we shall live and see how their trying to replace us.”

Gold mine employees turned to the Mayor of Vardenis, Volodya Khloyan.
Mr. Khloyan said in his interview to Iravunk that he talked with the
Prime Minister, who ordered to form a commission. As for the management
of the company, the Mayor says they don’t care and refuse to talk with
him either. Meanwhile, our own government caused such an attitude from
the company through signing an inept agreement with them. As the
director of Ararat Gold Recovery Company, Mr. Vardan Vardanian said in
his interview with Iravunk, there is no provision in their agreement
with the government, which could settle this situation. “The strike is
illegal” label Vardanian in hurry, alleging that the situation is the
work of some individuals trying to mislead the employees for self –
serving purposes, but he did not say who those individuals were.

“We fired all 500 employees and announced a new contest” said a member
of the company’s board of directors; “Of course, we are going to have
difficulty finding specialists, but I am sure that 90% of the strikers
will return to work. Let them come, sign new agreements, and work.”

The director promised no rise in salaries, ano rise for employees
working in high altitude areas either, claiming no obligation on behalf
of the company. As for the USD – AMD rates, the agreement was reached
with the strikers at the beginning of the strike: rate applicable for
salaries shall be 500 AMD for $1 USD. Despite the employees claiming the
opposite, Vardan Vardanian said that salaries will be paid with no
delays. “We delay our salaries more often than those of the employees”
he said, and added “Even tax payments are being delayed sometimes,
causing penalties, but the employees receive their salaries on time.”
Meanwhile, the same employees are certain that “the Indians will
withhold” their salaries for the whole period of the strike. As for the
terms of employment agreements, they say “the company has no clue about
what’s coming up for the business, let alone them signing long term
employment agreements with us.” Even after all this noise the company
officials confirm that. At the same time, Vardenis residents refuse to
sign short term employment agreements, with the rest of the conditions
imposed, and claim they ready to extreme measures, including road
blocking. “Let’s see how our comrade Indians pass around us and access
the mine (when the road is blocked). This is our mine, we are going to
work there, and if the government is not able to help us, we will solve
the issue our way” they swagger.

In the meantime, the master of the country, in this case the RA
government, said through a spokesperson, that under orders of the Prime
Minister, the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development has looked into
the issues of the matter. “It was revealed that the matter is of
relations between the employer and employees. After satisfying salary
related demands additional demands were raised, which were not accepted
by the employer. Those absent from work were fired, while a new contest
for employment was announced. All issues concerning those fired and the
employers are of the matter of law and are not within the authority of
the government.”

In other words, the RA government “cheered” the foreign company, playing
into their hands. Indeed, the strikers do not demand salary rises from
the government, while it was the obligation of the government to include
provisions in the agreement of sales of the mines which would exclude
even a possibility of such situations as a whole. This story once again
proved that our citizens are unprotected in their own country, while the
officials are sometimes helpless against “nonentity” companies. It is
not surprising when people turn to extreme measures in such situation,
including strikes and other mass actions.

by Taguhi Tovmasian

Kharatian Ani:
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