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Weak power begot weak opposition



| 16:13:08 | 17-05-2005 | Politics |

Alexander Iskandaryan, who does not consider himself a political
analyst, supposes that even though Armenia has chosen the path towards
Europe, the internal political processes lead us not to Europe but
to Latin America.

The style our authorities and leading political parties behave is
Latino American, he noted. In his opinion, they are striving for
power with liberal democratic and communist calls. “We do not have a
united, strong political power”, Alexander Iskandaryan stated adding
that each of the pro-governmental or opposition parties is a mere
political body covering this or that problem of the society.

He assures that the political affiliation of a deputy can be guessed
by see at his face only. “The Republican Party mainly consists of
businessmen or managers”, he says.

“We do not have a united opposition either. There are people
collaborating within the frames of a certain idea. According to
him, Robert Kocharyan, Serge Sargsyan and Stepan Demorchyan are the
outcome but not a consequence of the political culture developed by
Armenians. Thus no ideological revolution will take place Armenia”,
Alexander Iskandaryan says. He is more than sure that the weakness
of the opposition is caused by the weakness of the authorities.

Karapetian Hovik:
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