ANKARA: Gen. Basbug Meets Azeri Defense Minister Abiyev

Gen. Basbug Meets Azeri Defense Minister Abiyev

Turkish Press
Published: 5/18/2005

BAKU (AA) – Turkish Deputy Chief of General Staff General Ilker Basbug
has indicated today (Tuesday) that the relations between the Turkish
Armed Forces and Azeri Armed Forces are at a level to make friends
happy and enemies concerned.

“This is my first visit of Azerbaijan. I am very pleased to be in
Azerbaijan. There are many countries with which Turkey has brotherly
ties. Azerbaijan is our true brother. Former President of Azerbaijan
Haydar Aliyev described Turkey and Azerbaijan as one nation, two
states,” told Basbug.

Azeri Minister of Defense Sefer Abiyev has remarked that Azeri-Turkish
relations are very prominent for Azerbaijan. “The political lines
between our two countries have shown development since Azerbaijan’s
independence. We have witnessed close ties in politics, economics
and military related fields,” expressed Abiyev.

Abiyev commented that Turkey has shown remarkable support of Azerbaijan
within the framework of NATO Partnership for Peace program. “We are
thankful to the Turkish government and the Turkish Armed Forces for
their continued support of Azerbaijan,” noted Abiyev.

Abiyev said that the issue of Upper Karabagh was discussed with
Basbug. “Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan met the Azeri President
Ilham Aliyev in Warsaw on May 15th. Mr. Erdogan has re-affirmed
Turkey’s solid stance on the Azeri-Armenian dispute,” mentioned Abiyev.

General Basbug visited Turkey’s Ambassador in Baku Morali after his
contacts at the Azeri Ministry of Defense.