Armenian Genocide victims commemorated in Saint Petersburg


Pan Armenian Nes
19.05.2005 03:18

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ It rained in Saint Petersburg on 23 April, however
the bad weather did not prevent several hundreds of Armenians from
gathering in the yard of the Armenian Apostolic Church for a dramatized
performance previous evening, reported the Yerkramas newspaper of
Armenians of Russia. The youth performed songs about the Genocide
and Nairi dance ensemble tried to convey the horror of the tragedy
of 1915 to those gathered via a dance performance. After priest
Ter Sargis read Our Father, hundreds of black balloons flied into
the sky in response to the rain. A funeral liturgy was held in the
Church April 24 morning, then wreaths were laid to the khachkar in
the yard. At 1:00 a rally began. “All we ask for is repentance,”
it was written on a transparent and it is the call of the Armenian
youth to the whole of the world on acknowledgement of the Armenian
Genocide. The same Day, a Commemoration Evening was organized by the
Armenian Apostolic Church, the Regional Armenian National Cultural
Autonomy with the support of the Consulate General of Armenia. Besides
the concert part First Genocide of 21st century documentary exhibition
was presented by the Armenian Friendly Association of Saint Petersburg
youth regional NGO. The exhibition was brought there specially for
the event from the Tsitsernakaberd Museum of Memory of the Genocide
in Yerevan. It included photographs, a short chronological excursus
of the events, narratives of witnesses, in four languages (Armenian,
Russian, English and French).

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress