BAKU: Prospects Of Development Of Relations Between Azerbaijan andUk


Azer Tag
[May 18, 2005, 23:27:11]

On May 18, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov
has met Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Boris Tarasyuk who is
visiting the country with official visit.

Mr. E. Mammadyarov, having welcomed the Ukrainian colleague, has
emphasized that strategic cooperation between two states is constructed
on sincere friendly relations, and that between two countries there
are no unresolved questions.

Minister B. Tarasyuk, shared his views of the colleague, informed
that has been received by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev,
and noted, that the carried out negotiations have made on him deep

Minister E. Mamedyarov in detail informed the visitor on opening
ceremony of the Azerbaijan part of the BTC MEP on May 25, and also
the work spent for realization of the gas main Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum
and the Baku-Tbilsii-Kars railway.

At the meeting, the parties had exchange of views on opportunities
of establishment of new business relations, activity of the
intergovernmental commission, cooperation in the field of power supply,
a number of aspects of mutual relations. Besides, opportunities of
increase in number of the Azerbaijan students in the Kiev Institute of
the International Relations, creation of opportunities for education
of citizens of Azerbaijan in the Ukrainian Diplomatic Academy and
other questions were discussed.

The parties also have discussed other problems representing mutual
interest, including reforms in the United Nations, prospects of OSCE
and the questions connected to activity of GUAM.

Ministers have discussed process of settlement of the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


On the same day, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Boris Tarasyuk
has met at the Baku Slavic University with tutorial staff and student.