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BAKU: Visiting Turkish general, Azeri speaker discuss Karabakh confl

Visiting Turkish general, Azeri speaker discuss Karabakh conflict

Space TV, Baku
18 May 05

[Presenter] Armenian nationalists who have invaded Nagornyy Karabakh
should give up their dirty intentions, Turkish Deputy Chief of Staff
Gen Ilker Basbug has said at a meeting with Azerbaijani Speaker
Murtuz Alasgarov.

[Correspondent] The chairman of the Milli Maclis [Azerbaijan’s
parliament], Murtuz Alasgarov, spoke of the high level of development
of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations. Touching on the Nagornyy Karabakh
problem, Alasgarov said that Turkey has always backed Azerbaijan in
the issue of territorial claims laid by Armenia.

[Alasgarov speaking at the meeting] However, there is still no
result. But I believe that soon – with the participation of brotherly
Turkey, international organizations and the leading countries – this
problem will be resolved on the basis of provisions of international
law, that is the principle of territorial integrity.

[Correspondent] The speaker also said that the Milli Maclis has sent
a letter of protest to international organizations regarding fake
Armenian genocide claims.

Nagornyy Karabakh and the neighbouring districts have been brutally
invaded by the Armenians, Gen Ilker Basbug said and stated once again
Turkey’s position on the issue.

[Basbug, speaking in Turkish] In particular, Turkey is determined to
resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh issue and that of the occupied adjacent
territories as soon as possible. Turkey will continue its efforts
in this regard with the same determination because nobody is able to
put forward an excuse or explanation for the inhumane occupation of
this territory.

Some one million Azerbaijanis have fled the region and are currently
facing difficult living conditions. We especially saw that on the
outskirts of Baku. This is really an inhumane condition.

[Correspondent] The Turkish general also said that there are two
issues on which Turkey and Armenia cannot agree. One of them is the
Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict over Nagornyy Karabakh and the second are
the groundless genocide claims made by Armenia against Turkey. Only
after Armenia gives up both claims may Turkey’s relations with this
country become normal, Basbug said.

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