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Mamedyarov has lied



| 16:26:55 | 18-05-2005 | Politics |

“How do you evaluate the latest meeting of the Armenian and Azeri
Presidents within the framework of the Warsaw Summit? And what
would you say about the announcement of the Azeri Foreign Minister
Elmar Mamedyarov that “Armenia is ready to return the occupied 7
territories, the only problem is time?”, these questions were asked
by the journalist of “ArmenPress” to the RA Foreign Ministry Press
Secretary Hamlet Gasparyan.

-The Armenian side evaluates the meeting of the two Presidents in
Warsaw positively. It was another step towards the settlement of
the Karabakh conflict. The meeting of the Presidents gives us the
possibility to continue the discussion on the level of Ministers
within the framework of the Prague process.

The Warsaw meeting has also been positively evaluated by the
international community, in particular, by the countries of the Minsk
group co-chairs. They are already working on the organization of a
further round of negotiations.

As for the announcements of the Azeri side about the return of the
territories, they absolutely do not correspond to the reality.

Nalbandian Eduard:
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