Michigan Armenians Confront Turkish Cultural Association of Michigan

Armenian National Committee
of Michigan
19310 Ford Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48128
Contact: Narses Gedigian
Tel: 734 340-2994
Fax: 718 651-3637
E-mail: [email protected]

Michigan Armenians Confront Turkish Cultural Association of Michigan

Farmington Hills, MI — Nearly 500 members of the greater Detroit
Armenian community held a rally on May 15th to protest the visit
of the Turkish Cultural Association of Michigan (TCAM) to the
Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills. The Turkish Cultural
Association is a component association of the Assembly of Turkish
American Associations (ATAA), which has worked in political circles
to deny and distort the 1915 genocide of Armenians at the hand of
the Ottoman Empire.

Organized by the Armenian National Committee of Michigan, members of
the community at large and from some 12 organizations held several
U.S and Armenian flags and signs referring to Hitler’s quote “….who
remembers the Armenians…” and Turkey’s refusal to acknowledge the
Armenian Genocide of 1915.

The vocal and energetic gathering was in place to greet the Turkish
group upon its arrival and stayed until the TCAM members left.
Ralph Kourtjian, ANC co-chair in Michigan stated: “The presence of
local Armenians shows the conviction this community feels about its
heritage and just recognition of the genocide. The large turnout
shows the depth of outrage in the Armenian community at the sight of
an organization of genocide deniers trying to exploit the tragedy of
the Holocaust for their own base political agenda.”

The gathering was attended by many young people, adding energy to
the spirit of the rally. “The Armenian youth in this community know
the stories of family death and pain during 1915”, stated Armen
Derderian, local advisor to the Armenian Youth Federation. “They
are committed to help tell the story of their families and work for
genocide recognition.”

Spokesmen for the gathering made it clear to all that the Turkish
group was the target of the rally and not the Holocaust Center.
Nerses Gedigian, ANC co-chair of Michigan and chairman of the
St. Sarkis Church Board told Holocaust Center officials “…we honor
your history, as well as other holocausts in history. Wherever TCAM
may be, whether here or some other site, we will let them know that
we will work against their denial and distortion of Armenian history
and gain world wide recognition of the Armenian genocide at the hands
of the Ottoman Empire.”

The Armenian National Committee is the largest and most influential
Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters
throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around
the world, the ANCA advances the concerns of the Armenian American
community on a broad range of issues.

