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NKR NA Audit Inspection Chamber


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
16 May 05

On May 13 the meeting of the Audit Inspection Chamber of the NKR
National Assembly conducted by the chairman of the chamber Arkady
Soghomonian took place. The question under consideration was the
results of the audit inspection in the NKR Ministry of Justice,
which lasted from March 28 to April 5. The minister of justice Robert
Hayrapetian was invited to take part in the meeting. The objective of
the audit inspection was to find out the effectiveness, relevance and
legality of the budget spending of the ministry in 2004, as well as
its conformity with the NKR laws and norms. The leading expert of the
chamber Henrik Ghazarian presented the audit report. The chairman of
the Audit Inspection Chamber read the draft conclusion of the board.
In 2004 the actual expenses of the ministry comprised 94 per cent of
the budget estimate, or 4 million 508 thousand drams less. Besides
the state budget means, off-budget means were used from the sums
confiscated by the department of law enforcement. The off-budget means
were mainly spend on acquisition of stationery, inventory, equipment
and transport. At the same time, the mentioned spending contained
a breach of the standards maintained by the Ministry of Finance and
the former State Department of Justice in November 2000. The audit
inspection revealed that in the ministry control on the mentioned
costs is weak. What is more, the control of the Ministry of Finance
and Economy on the off-budget spending of the Ministry of Justice is
weak, too. After the discussion of the facts and observations the
board of the Audit Inspection Chamber confirmed the report and the
conclusion of the board.


Kajoyan Gevork:
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