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Non-governmental organizations against the coalition draft constitut


| 15:53:07 | 18-05-2005 | Politics |

The non-governmental organizations union «Constitutional Initiative»
has decided to organize meetings with the residents of the regions
before the Constitutional referendum to raise public awareness
about the Constitutional draft. The union which consists of 6
non-governmental organizations calls the citizens to actively take
part in the process of discussion of the Constitutional amendments
organized by them.

Today during the press conference organized by the Union several
amendments were represented. In particular, according to Khachik
Voskanyan, president of the non-governmental organization «Choice
is Yours», by the coalition draft Robert Kocharyan has super
authorizations. According to him, the President must not appoint
either the Attorney General or the Prime Minister or the mayor, «The
National Assembly has small authorizations which gives the President
the possibility to become the only governor».

According to Artak Kirakosyan, President of the Civic Society
Institute, the coalition draft has serious shortcomings which are
dangerous for the society. According to him, the authorities are
indifferent towards the Constitutional amendments, and the opposition
has decided to unanimously say «NO» to the coalition draft.


Tigranian Ani:
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