Presentation of new project in Saint Petersburg devoted to Armenia


Pan Armenian News
19.05.2005 03:13

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ May 13 International Creative Meetings in Mokhovaya
new project was presented at the House of National Cultures in Saint
Petersburg. The event was organized jointly with Union of Concert
Figures of Russia and Haverzhutyun (Eternity) philanthropic fund,
reported the Yerkramas newspaper of Armenian of Russia. These events
aim at promoting cultural tolerance in Saint-Petersburg, and as the
initiative of implementation of the project issued from the Honored
Artist of the Republic of Armenia Tamara Harutyunian, it was decided
to devote the first evening to the Republic of Armenia. Chairman of the
Council of the Regional Armenian National-Cultural Autonomy Vyacheslav
Lazarian opened the evening. Representatives of the Armenian Apostolic
Church, Georgian and Azeri communities were present as special
guests. All those gathered had an opportunity to dive into the world
of art. Sounds of Komitas music were already heard at the entry. The
diversity of the classical music compositions, Armenian classical
literature presented by the Armenian Friendly Association of Saint
Petersburg was astonishing. The guests saw works of Armenian artists
V. Yepremian, R. Hovakimian, A. Gasparian in the small hall. The
main attention of the guests was directed at the concert part of the
evening. The appearance of Honored Artist of the Republic of Armenia
Tamara Harutyunian formed an atmosphere of mysterious silence in the
hall, where everyone was captivated by the sounds of the masterly
classical performing art. As if in oblivion those present applauded
meeting also the other no less talented performers. The evening
finished in a banquet for the guests and participants, among whom
were many famous theater, musical and public figures, though an
ordinary person would have felt a member of the creative elite in
that atmosphere.