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Russian archeologists not allowed to Nakhichevan


Pan Armenian News
18.05.2005 03:06

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Whole Azerbaijan Union protested against
the second visit of the Russian archeological expedition headed by
orientalist Andrey Polyakov to Nakhichevan. In this view some Azeri
officials held a meeting with journalists on May 17 and adopted
a statement. Chairman Agil Samedbeily said that “passing off as
archeological expedition a group of people in 2004 as if looking for
the Noah’s Ark climbed the Turkish part of the Ararat Mountain and
hoisted a Russian flag there. The same group visited Azerbaijan to get
familiarized with the ancient cultural monuments. They took photos and
then published materials humiliating and offending the national dignity
of Azerbaijan. This group was planning digs in Nakhichevan in order
to erect a monument to biblical forefather Noah. With the efforts of
the Nakhichevani authorities, scientists, a number of deputies as well
as ministerial officials the group failed to carry out their plan.”

Torgomian Varazdat:
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