Ryzhkov still concerned over calamity zone



| 17:38:32 | 19-05-2005 | Official |

Today Robert Kocharyan received the delegation headed by Co-Chair
of the Commission on Interparliamentary Cooperation of the National
Assembly of Armenia and the RF Federation Council.

The parties discussed the possibilities of quick and efficient
operation of the Armenian enterprises conveyed to Russia within
Property for Debt agreement as well as the development of regional
cooperation. They also highlighted the activities targeted at the
attraction of small and middle Russian business circles to the Armenian
investment field.

Nikolay Ryzhkov told about the impressions he got while visiting
the towns destroyed after the earthquake noting that the towns have
changed greatly and presently they face the problem of increasing
the workplaces. He added that the expansion of the Armenian-Russian
cooperation will contribute to solve this problem.