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BAKU: New book on NK published in U.S.

[May 20, 2005, 22:32:22]

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
May 20 2005

A book titled “The Forgotten Genocide” has been released in New York,
USA. The author of the book presentation of which will take place in
the near future, is Felix Tsertsvadze. Living now in America, state of
Florida, the 63 years old author was born in the Shamkir district of
Azerbaijan. The book dwells on the history of the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the policy of the ethnic purge, which
has been carried out by the Armenians on the occupied territories
of Azerbaijan.

Besides, the author addresses with a letter to the US President
George Bush. In the letter to President Bush, Mr. Felix Tsertsvadze,
in particular, has emphasized: “All in the Caucasian region know,
that during events of 1915 in Turkey was lost approximately 200-400
thousand of Armenians. However, since 1967, the Armenian lobby
constantly overestimates the mentioned figure and tries to equalize
it with number of victims of the Holocaust – tragedies of Jews during
the WW II.

The author writes that at the end of XIX century in Turkey there lived
about 1,5 million Armenians. After the acts of terrorism which have
been carried out by the Armenian terrorists in 1895 in Istanbul and
other regions of Turkey, the Armenians living in this country were
captured with fear, and they have started to emigrate in the mass
form to Mesopotamia and Syria. Thus, in 1915, in Turkey, remained
only 800 thousand Armenians. At the end of 1914, the Armenians have
unleashed civil war in the eastern Anatolia, region of Turkey, having
exterminated with support of the Russian armies millions people from
among the Muslim population. In reply, authorities of the Ottoman
Empire have exiled the Armenians from the country.

According to various sources, thus, was lost 200-400 thousand of
Armenians. And under statements of the Armenian lobby, the number
of victims was made 1,5 million people. Thus, lobbyists insidiously
include in this figure the Armenian population which has moved from
Turkey till 1915, the Armenians, who left the country in the 1915,
also the victims who died during the civil war in collisions between
Kurds and Christians and between Kurds and Moslems, and also dying
of natural death.

Mr. Felix Tsertsvadze emphasizes that the changes by politicians,
in own interests, of the number of innocent victims is disrespect
for memory of victims. The Armenian lobby aspires to present to the
international public a new variant of the notorious genocide.

The author considers that it is high time to create under a management
of the USA an international commission with a view of clarifying the
said question. In 1878-1923s, million people – the Europeans, Asians,
and Americans – became victims of wars and acts of genocide. Why,
then, at the international level, should be recognized the genocide
of only Armenians?

Making comments on the role of the USA in the Turkish-Armenian
relations, the member of the Foreign Relations Committee of Senate
Chuck Haggle has told to correspondent of AzerTAj: “These questions
have been existing for many years. When there appeared opportunity to
unite the country, the USA always used it. However, we cannot force
someone to peace. We cannot force people to make something. Armenia,
Turkey, Azerbaijan and the USA have a number of common interests. We
should build our relations on the basis of these interests”.

Nalchajian Markos:
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