BAKU: Speech of President Aliyev

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
May 20 2005

[May 20, 2005, 17:24:08]

Dear sportsmen,

I cordially greet all of you. Today, I have come to you. I am pleased
we are together again.

Three years ago, in 2002, the national leader of our people Heydar
Aliyev, having visited the Geranboy district, in details was
interested in work done here and was very pleased. And today I see
that Geranboy develops. Here, the new enterprises have been created,
many new accomplishments and very favorable political conditions,
high spirits created in the district. Despite of the fact that we
meet rare, nevertheless, people who have gathered here again express
their feelings.

It is very glad that all regions of Azerbaijan, including Geranboy,
develop. Geranboy is the ancient Azerbaijan land, historical
territory. It is necessary for all of us to try that work on creation
and accomplishment here was carried out even more intensively. Here,
the program of regional development is executed, and all measures
stipulated within the framework of the program will be executed.
Today, in conversation with the chief executive I have noted that all
problems available here, questions should find their solution. Some
problems can be solved on places, but there are also such, which
we shall solve in Baku. The chief executive will address me and all
questions should be solved.

I also shall assist henceforth to each region of Azerbaijan. I want
that regions of Azerbaijan developed. That each region developed, that
people lived better. I want that the difference between the capital
and regions was reduced, and in one of the days, has absolutely
disappeared; that poverty has been eliminated, that unemployment
was put an end. That there was peace, calmness, well-being and that
people lived safely that our children received good education. I
want that our sportsmen always highly carried the flag of Azerbaijan,
and increased greatly its sports glory.

In a word, all of us want that position of our country became even
stronger. That it has strengthened its position in the world, has
kept leading positions in region, for this purpose there are all
opportunities, all conditions. There is an intensive development of
economy. This year, Azerbaijan will become the leading country on
rates of economic development.

Due to functioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, which we
shall soon put in operation, ample opportunities for development of
economy of our country, infrastructure, and regions will appear. I
do not doubt that very soon Azerbaijan will turn in a rich state. Of
this chance, these opportunities each citizen of Azerbaijan should
take advantage. For this purpose, all of us – the government, local
authorities, businessmen, and citizens – should work together. We
have one purpose, one idea – to achieve the further strengthening of
our Motherland, consolidation of the position of Azerbaijan.

Certainly, the major problem facing to us consists in settlement of
the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We try, we use
for this purpose all opportunities. Political, diplomatic and other
steps; the results that are observed recently testify that the world
understands the fair position of Azerbaijan. The position of Azerbaijan
gets support, the international community already openly realizes, and
the main thing, accepts this position. We shall continue these efforts
and on all international actions, in the international organizations,
bilateral negotiations we shall not cede a span of our land, our
position is fair and bases on principles of international law.

At the same time, we should know that only strong country could
achieve desirable, and provide its interests. Therefore, we should
be strong, not to expect on anybody’s assistance. We are strong. The
Azerbaijani people are strong. The Azerbaijan land is rich. We have
powerful enough personnel potential, natural resources. Patriotism
of the people is high level. It is necessary for us, having mobilized
all these factors, to make its stronger.

For this reason, our programs of economic development are carried
out, regional programs are realized, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
oil pipeline will be commissioned. All this will allow Azerbaijan
to become even stronger; create powerful economic potential, and
therefore, Azerbaijan becomes even stronger in region.

We also give big attention to army construction and we shall continue
it. This year, charges on army have increased by 36 percent. In the
near future, new changes will be brought in the budget. I have charged
to reconsider charges on army and increase them up to a necessary
level. It is necessary for us to achieve the further strengthening
of our army, and enemies should know, that the Azerbaijan army at
any time is able to carry out all tasks put before it.

In a word, Azerbaijan will successfully develop. For this purpose,
we should unite. The society needs cohesion. We have one goal: to
liberate our lands, restore territorial integrity and provide the
people of Azerbaijan with better living conditions.

I wish all of you success in these works. I wish the Geranboy district
were more beautiful, became nicer, with modern constructions. I am
deeply satisfied with the works done here. I know that things are
getting on well. The local authorities also work duly. Your deputy at
the Milli Majlis represents you well. In short, I am very satisfied
with the works being done here. I have come to express my gratitude
and respect to you. I assure you I will do my utmost for strengthening
of the independence of Azerbaijan, increase its economic potential,
and I shall always be with you. The works we are going to do in the
years ahead, will allow Azerbaijan to strengthen, become powerful,
make our sovereignty eternal, irreversible.

I once again greet you, and embrace you. Thank you.


Then, President Ilham Aliyev warmly has met and talked to sportsmen.
Youth of Geranboy has noted that lives with desire to take part
in local and international competitions, having emphasized value
of creation for this purpose of such stadiums, athletic fields,
Olympic complexes, has expressed gratitude for care of sports in the
country, the conditions created for sportsmen. The head of state was
photographed with sportsmen for memory.