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Elections of the Writers’ Union President will be held tomorrow


| 17:34:57 | 20-05-2005 | Social |

Today in the Science National Academy the 14th session of the Writers’
Union took place. Levon Ananyan, the present President of the Union,
informed the journalists that the elections of the President will take
place tomorrow, and he cannot say if he will be the only candidate or
not. At the same time he did not exclude the possibility of another
candidate, although at he today’s session no other candidate was
spoken about.

Editor of the literary issue “New Century” Abgar Apinyan would prefer
for Levon Ananyan to have an alternative and that alternative would
be poet Razmik Davoyan. “The President of the Writers’ Union must
be a bright individual, he must be a writer, not a journalist”,
said Abgar Apinyan to the journalists.

At the same time he claimed that everything will be done so that
there is not a single wrong expression in the session. He hopes that
something will be changed in the Union by this session, as according
to him, the Union is going to the 30s. “If the Writers’ Union goes
to the 30s and becomes an administrative structure, the downfall is
inevitable”, said Abgar Apinyan.

It is not yet known what Razmik Davoyan thinks of it. He was not
present at today’s session. Let us also remind you that this year
330 delegates will elect the President.

Jalatian Sonya:
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