Evil always comes out when law is being applied


| 13:13:08 | 21-05-2005 | Politics |

“The RA law “On Advocacy” correspond to the international standards”,
Karen Hendrix, Director of the American Bar Association (ABA)
considers. At the same she notes that there no ideal laws. “It is hard
to say about the implementation of a law as the chamber of lawyers
does not work. Evil always comes out in the process of applying
the law. In future the lawyers should reveal all the shortcomings
and create mechanisms meting the international standards. A lawyer
against whom a disciplinary suit is brought should be able to make
use of the defense procedure”, she says.

Ms. Hendrix is convinced that taking into account territorial
size of Armenia a united chamber of lawyers should function in the
republic. “The unification will contribute to the formation of the
institute of advocacy. The united approach is essential for proper
qualification of the lawyers, providing and depriving of license as
well as calling to disciplinary responsibility”. She found difficulty
in determining the level the institute of advocacy has reached in
Armenia but she is convinced that that there are lawyers, who are
really devoted to their profession and comprehending the importance
of their work.

Ms. Hendrix pays special attention to the formation of the institute
of public defender and considers that the Chamber of Lawyers will
have a great deal of work in this view.

As for the limited number of lawyers to be provided with a special
license for appealing to the Court of Cassations, Karen Hendrix
considers that there is no reason to worry. “In future, after the
formation of the certifying commission the number of these lawyers
will increase depending on their knowledge and capabilities.” Having
worked in Armenia for two years she says, “Law is only the frame
for the lawyers. However their wish is needed for its proper
implementation. She holds the opinion that the trust of the society
towards the lawyers is as well very important for the formation of
the institute of advocacy.

Victoria Abrahamyan