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Legal state should be formed


| 13:13:59 | 21-05-2005 | Politics |

The formation of a Chamber of Lawyers is a very positive step
especially for the formation of advocacy. It may seem that the
existence of two unions can cause competition, which would secure a
new level. However when the strengths are consolidated and a united
staff working the activity of lawyers becomes more efficient and
useful for each member of the chamber.

United Chamber is a unity of great power. Its purpose is to form a
legal state. Armenia will become a legal state even of “bad” laws
function. In this case the authority of the Chamber of Lawyers will
grow. The authority of a lawyer will grow only in case the judges
become independent. The implementation of laws will be distorted if
the juridical system is not independent. In this case a lawyer will
not make progress despite his knowledge or capabilities. That is
to say, the formation of the advocacy corps first of all means the
independence of courts and skills of the lawyers.

I think that the united Chamber of Lawyers will really become a united
force with the objective to defend the interests of people.

Robert Grigoryan

Member of the Council of Chamber of Lawyers

Madatian Greg:
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