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No other way for advocacy development


| 15:01:41 | 21-05-2005 | Politics |

Yenok Azaryan, who elected chairman of the Chamber of Lawyers but has
not assumed the office yet considers that the problem lies is the fact
that the time for the formation of the chamber was chosen incorrectly.

He considers that not the unions but the lawyers should compete
with each other. Consequently, the existence of one structure,
moreover in a state where the lawyers have plenty of problems with
the juridical system and law enforcement bodies, is necessary. “One
united chamber will defend the violated rights of it members as well”,
he assures. Today violence is applies against the lawyers. Thus, if
consolidated they would be able to defend the rights of the lawyers
and achieve justice

Yenok Azaryan informed that according to the new law “On Advocacy” the
licenses are issued by a certifying commission composed of scientists,
judges and lawyers. To note, earlier the commission was appointed by
the Justice Ministry. Y. Azaryan assures they will try to exclude
the principle of subjectivity when issuing licenses not to cast
a shadow at the legal activities in future. “We are interested in
skilled staff and we will also organize training for those who once
tried to discredit the activities of the institute”, he said

“Will the body be so independent that its authority will be in your
hand?” we asked. “I understand the implication of your question,
but I am speaking of the formed chamber. Yes, there are discrepancies
and there are persons, who want to deprive us of independence because
it is profitable to have this body guided. However there is no other
way for the development of advocacy”, he resumed.

Diana Markosyan

Kalashian Nyrie:
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