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The conflict Orinatz Yerkir – Ministry of Justice goes on


| 15:23:57 | 20-05-2005 | Politics |

The conflict between the Orinats Yerkir Party and the Ministry
of Justice which started yesterday in the Parliament continued
today. First, in the morning when it was possible to secure quorum,
the issues discussed yesterday were put to voting. All the drafts
were adopted except the draft amendment to the “Administrative Code”
about the state auto inspection. It was represented yesterday by the
Minister of Justice and it caused heated discussions. As they had
promised, the Orinats Yerkir did not take part in the voting as a
result of which the draft was not adopted with the relation of votes
63 against, 0 for, and 0 abstaining from voting.

Today David Haroutyunyan continued to answer the questions of
the deputies referring to the draft law on “Criminal Realization
Inspection” which he represented yesterday. According to him, the
Inspection will have 7 members who will control the situation in the
Criminal Realization structures.

According to David Haroutyunyan, this is a mechanism reducing
corruption risks. The representatives of OYP said there was no need
to create another Inspection at the expense of the budget, but the
Minister informed that the Inspection will not be a burden for the
budget, and the workers will be chosen from the field of Criminal

By the way, only the OYP had questions to the Minister, and there was
an impression that it was not a Parliamentary discussion but a duel
between the OYP and David Haroutyunyan. It was obvious that the OYP was
angry at the decision of the Minister to control the Administration,
and the fact that the head of the new-created inspection would obey
not the Administration head but directly to the Minister.

The participants of the discussion were under the impression hat the
OYP tried to soothe the anti-corruption wishes of the Minister.

Vasilian Manouk:
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