There is no place like Armenia


| 20:48:00 | 20-05-2005 | Economy |

Asked a question by “A1+”, economist Gagik Minasyan said he does not
know another country in the world where there are 50-60 currency
exchange points in one part in the street. He brought the example
of the civilized countries where, for example, there are exchange
points in limited places only, for example, in airports or hotels,
but not in every step.

Gagik Minasyan shares the opinion of the Central Bank about
restrictions of the work of the exchange points and thinks that thus
the combat against shadow economy is enhanced.

According to the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit, Budgetary
and Economic Affairs head Gagik Minasyan, the latest disbalance of
the currency rate is the result of the increase of the cash in the
financial turnover.