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Dual Citizenship Should Be Allowed But Not Encouraged In Armenia


YEREVAN, MAY 20. ARMINFO. Dual citizenship should be allowed but
not encouraged in Armenia, says member of United Labor Party Grigor

Most countries have allowed dual nationality but do not apply it
directly because it is not yet regulated by the international law.

As a liberal party ULP advocates removing the ban on dual citizenship
from Armenia’s constitution and considers that in a democratic state
like Armenia there must be not human rights restrictions. But dual
citizenship will require a relevant law and inter-state agreements.

Konjeyan says that people granted dual nationality should not be
allowed to be elected and elect president and parliament. Armenia’s
president and parliament should be elected by citizens only lest
there might be subsequent external influences. However dual citizens
should be allowed to run for local self-governments and to vote at
nationwide referendums.

They should be allowed to own property but not land. They are not
eligible for tax concessions. People of Armenian origin should enjoy
simplified dual nationality procedure. Kojeyan says that Armenian
citizens should not be deprived of their citizenship against their
will while nobody can prevent them from renouncing their citizenship.

Dual nationality is applied only in Greece and Turkey with the latter
having no diplomatic relations with Armenia. The institution of dual
nationality has been partly introduced in the Netherlands, Italy and
Iceland. In countries like Russia, France, Norway, Sweden, Germany,
Denmark, Finland and Austria dual citizenship is not applied except
for some special cases.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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