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Konstantin Zatulin: Self-Determination Of Nagorny Karabakh Is Existe


YEREVAN, MAY 20. ARMINFO. The self-determination of Nagorny Karabakh
is the existent fact, stated by phone a deputy of Russia’s State Duma
Konstantin Zatulin (being in Yerevan) in an interview to “Echo”. In his
words, the independence of NKR is also the fact, though the relative
fact as it has not been recognized on the international level yet. As
regards self-determination, it cannot been recognized or unrecognized,
it is an inhere right of either NKR or any other people, Zatulin added.

At the same time he stressed that there are no real chances nowadays
that Karabakh may restore its property of an integral part of
Azerbaijan. “Certainly, one can suppose that military operations may
recommence and Azerbaijan may win, however, I myself would not like
such an way out of the problem’s solution”, deputy noted and added
that “the process of step-by-step recognition or formation of the
existing status-quo is proceeding at present”.

He also noted that he does not believe in the readiness of Armenian
party to transfer the territories in exchange for any autonomy of
Nagorny Karabakh. Speaking about Russia’s position in issue of NKR
conflict settlement Zatulin noted that it lies in that the parties
should agree themselves. Russia acknowledges any agreement of parties
on Karabakh issue, he added. -r-

Karakhanian Suren:
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