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Armenian President met Vneshtorgbank Chairman

Pan Armenian News


23.05.2005 03:15

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Armenian President Robert Kocharian received
Chairman of the Russian Vneshtogbank Andrey Kostinin, RA President’s Press
Service reported. During the meeting the RA President gave a high estimate
to the Bank’s contribution to the cultural exchange between Armenia and
Russia, particularly in assisting in the organization of the tours of the
famous Russian troupes to Armenia. The parties also discussed
Vneshtorgbank’s participation in ArmSavingsBank activities. As Robert
Kocharian noted, the dynamic development of the Armenian banking system
allows displaying activities in insurance, hypothecary crediting, leasing as
well as other fields. In this view Andrey Kostinin noted that Vneshtorgbank
intends to pay more attention to the expansion and improvement of services
rendered to physical persons.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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