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Russian Pol: Karabakh Has Never Been Part of Azerbaijan – in History


YEREVAN, MAY 23. ARMINFO. The main and final resolution regarding
settlement of the Karabakh conflict may be passed only on the basis of
an agreement between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
Chairman of Armenian club “Miabanutyun” (Unity) in Moscow,
politologist Smbat Karakhanian expressed such an opinion in the
“Gazeta SNG” (Newspaper of CIS).

According to him, such an agreement may be based on the results of
referendum held in Karabakh. At the same time, one should take into
attention that the overwhelming majority of the NKR population pins
hopes for settlement of this problem on Russia, at the same time not
excluding the cooperation with other countries. Noteworthy, the
authorities and people of Karabakh during the last ten years proved
their tolerance more than once in the issues of inter-national
relations, the politologist adds. “Of course, the leadership of
Armenia has serious influence on the people and the power of Karabakh,
but without direct participation of the Karabakh side in the
negotiation process and adopting a resolution any settlement will be
inferior. One should not forget that the main condition of settlement
of the conflict and further ensuring of the vital activity of the
region is the guarantee of security”, Karakhanian stressed. According
to him, it is obvious that the negotiation process will be long.

“At the moment the life showed that the best version is to keep the
status-quo, which exists today”, the politologist said, at the same
time expressing an opinion that the Azerbaijani party should not be
led by Turkish politicians and generals, who have in aggressive and
bellicose attitude.

According to Smbat Karakhanian, despite the interests of largest super
powers, it is necessary to admit that the main component of settlement
of this problem remains the will of the population of Karabakh, and
the sooner involvement of the Karabakh side in the negotiation process
may become the key for settlement of the conflict. “It is necessary to
remember that during its whole history Karabakh has never been a part
of Azerbaijan”, said the politologist.

Kamalian Hagop:
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