Deputies sleep in the NA hall


| 17:39:11 | 23-05-2005 | Politics |


This week the NA will have to listen to many reports. The RA NA Chamber of
Control, National TV and Radio Companies Council, the Central Bank, and the
Stock Committee will represent their reports of 2004.

Nevertheless, at the very first day of work the deputies preferred to
discuss about 17 international treaties. And as far as this discussion does
not demand hard work, after having secured the necessary quorum the deputies
left the hall, and the issues were discussed by no more than 10 deputies.

The deputies were so relaxed that there was even a ridiculous case took
place. While representing one of the international treaties, angry with the
question of a delegate, one of the deputy Ministers called them `not to wake
up from deep sleep and ask question’. The answer of NA deputy President
Vahan Hovhannisyan was more than surprising, `I support those who sleep in
the hall. The other delegates sleep God knows where’.