Exhibition of Armenian architecture in Sweden

AZG Armenian Daily #093, 24/05/2005



The Union of Armenian Associations of Sweden, Armenian Church and other
cultural organizations initiated an exhibition in the Swede city of
Gotenberg on May 11-13 dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide. The exhibition titled “Armenian Architectural Legacy in South
Caucasus” focused on Armenian architectural monuments in Turkey’s territory
that were objected to elimination in years following the 1915. The aim of
this initiative is to show the true face of a country that bids for the
European community. According to a press release issued on this occasion,
the opening ceremony was honored by the presence of local Swede authorities,
representatives of Catholic and Orthodox Churches. After the speech of
Gevorg Artin and representative of Gotenberg’s Armenian community Katherine
Hakobian, the author of “The Year of Sword” Bertil Bengtsson said that
pressure on Turkey should not be eased as long as it denies the Genocide.

The exhibition that was backed by the Assembly of Europe’s Armenians, the
Center for Armenian Architecture Study and Bilda Swede education
organization, was first staged at the European Parliament, Oslo (Norway),
other Swede cities and is going to arrive in Latvian capital of Riga on last
days of May.

By Hakob Tsulikian