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The House-Museum has no property


| 13:43:45 | 27-05-2005 | Culture |


The opening of the House-museum of Mher Lazarian in Gyumri is postponed
because of the absence of property. The head of the house-museum hopes to
open it on June 4, the birthday of the artist. The second floor hall of the
museum, according to him, will be divided into three parts which will
represent the fields of the life and activity of the artist – home, theater,
and cinema.

About 40 exhibits have been found, and there will be more soon. Some things
will be brought from «ArmenFilm», and the director of the theater after
Sundukyan has promised to present them with the stage clothes of Mher
Lazarian. And the fist floor will be a cinema. Mher Lazarian’s films and
plays will be shown for the visitors.

The information has been provided by TV company «Tsayg».

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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