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The Turkish Condition

Kurdistan Observer, MI
May 26 2005

The Turkish Condition

The Pro-Democracy Lobby
By Daniel Bart

The modern Turkish state was explicitly founded as a state for two
peoples; Kurds and Turks. This did not last however and ethnocide
quickly became the raison d’être of the Turkish republic.

Not only have successive Turkish governments denied the genocide they
perpetrated against Armenians, Aramaeans and Assyrians but they have
attempted to destroy the Kurdish nation in every conceivable way bar
total extermination.

At this point the Turkish government wishes to join the European
Union without fulfilling its criteria for membership. The cause of
extending the realm of freedom is a crucial one and Turkey has proven
to be an obstacle in this process.

There is no time to waste for Turkey which is embarrassing itself as
it draws up plans to invade Iran in the case of a revolution in that
country. Turkey aspires to pan-Turkic unity by annexing
Turkic-language areas in Iran. This would also require annexation of
most of Kurdistan. Turkey would thus achieve regional hegemony and
control over regional energy resources while crushing any Kurdish

This scheme is not only dangerous but clearly pathological. Many
Turkish nationalists believe that Turkey is the most important
country in the world and that the international Jewish conspiracy is
their ubiquitous nemesis.

It is time to firmly tell Turkey to come home from Wonderland. Turkey
must end its oppression of the Kurds or face international ostracism.
The European Union will no longer condone Turkey’s behavior, nor will
the United States of America which has experienced the depth of
Kurdish friendship with the American people. There is no question
that Europe and America have all the tools at their disposal to
ensure compliance.

It is time to tell the truth about Turkey. This is a fascist regime
that does not deserve to exist. Turkey lives in a permanent Weimar
republic always bordering on insanity and genocide. Turkey must grant
autonomous status to all of Northern Kurdistan and make Kurdish an
official language in Turkey equal to the status of Turkish or
otherwise become an international pariah that is not welcome anywhere
in the free world. The Kurdish people have the right to determine its
own future.

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