‘Development of Javakhk is an important task’

AZG Armenian Daily #097, 28/05/2005



“Withdrawal of Russian military bases from Georgia’s territory is a vital
priority for the country’s security policy. Development of Javakhk region is
an important task. The government is elaborating a program of development
and refinement for the region. The Ministry of Defense is also discussing
the steps that will make that process (withdrawal of Russian bases) socially
less troublesome”, deputy defense minister Vasili Sikharulidze says.

Russian-Georgian negotiations that finished these days in Tbilisi have
marked progress, officials in Moscow and Tbilisi say. It seems that the
sides agree over the date of withdrawal. Tbilisi demands removal by January
1, 2008 and Moscow thinks that 2008 is a real date.

In an online interview with Armenian, Georgian and Azeri journalists on
Sikharulidze evaluated as possible that the
state will buy necessary goods for the Georgian armed forces from Javakhk.

Georgian defense minister told ITAR-TASS on May 2 that his country is ready
to “neutralize groups engaged in anti-Georgian propaganda in Javakhk”. “The
Georgian government will not put up with the idea of another separatist
hotbed and will look to securing local residents with jobs after the base’s
removal”, Irakli Okruashvili said.

To Azg daily’s question as to how they will neutralize “groups engaged in
anti-Georgian propaganda”, Georgian deputy defense minister said,
“Unfortunately, I have never heard Okruashvili say anything of the kind you
cited. The measures that the Georgian state is going to take to remove
problems that will come about with the withdrawal of the base are social and
legal but never defensive”.

Sikharulidze noted that Georgia is moving towards integration into NATO.
Deputy defense minister noted that it is unlikely that Georgia, Azerbaijan
and Turkey will found a new military alliance. “Georgian Ministry of Defense
is working towards that goal (NATO membership). Georgia never discussed nor
is discussing joining any other military alliance or collective security
organization”, he said.

Answering Azg daily’s question whether Georgia is going to take to new
attempts of subduing Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Vasili Sikharulidze said,
“Operations at the region of Tskhinvali last year aimed in essence at
preventing smuggling in other regions of Georgia. It was directed to
maintaining law and order and armed forces were there only for support.
These measures did not envisage attacks on settlements”.

The “non-attacking” campaign of Tbilisi claimed dozens of lives for both

By Tatoul Hakobian

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress
