Azerbaijan en route to oil riches

Institute for War & Peace Reporting
May 26 2005


After a decade of political manoeuvring, Azerbaijan launches major
oil pipeline to the West.

By Gulnaz Gulieva and Rufat Abasov in Baku

With the first oil flowing into the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline,
Azerbaijan made a giant step towards its ambition of becoming a
leading oil nation.

But as phenomenal wealth becomes a real prospect, there are concerns
about how the country will cope with the responsibilities the major
international pipeline will bring.

The taps were turned on at a grand ceremony on May 25 at the
Sangachal terminal on the Caspian Sea attended by the presidents of
the four major countries involved, as well as US energy secretary
Samuel Bodman.

The first tankers will be filled at the Turkish Mediterranean port of
Ceyhan, at the other end of the 1770 kilometre pipeline, only at the
end of the year. BTC, as it is known, after the three main points
that it passes through in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, will
eventually pump one million barrels of oil a day and provide around
one per cent of world output.

`The launch of the pipeline in 2005 will help the development of the
economy and the strengthening of security in the whole region, where
there are unresolved local conflicts,’ Azerbaijan president Ilham
Aliev said at the ceremony. `With the exploitation of this pipeline
the economy of Azerbaijan will make a serious leap forward.’

The Baku government’s big day was marred, however, by continuing
controversy over the detention of several dozen protesters from
pro-democracy youth organisations who staged a rally on May 21. The
interior ministry said that 45 people had been arrested, while
opposition activists put the figure at between 200 and 300.

The flow of oil into the BTC marks the end of an extraordinary decade
of highs and lows when its viability was frequently questioned.
Russian specialists in particular were highly sceptical,
characterising the pipeline as a politically motivated project
launched by the United States. In the late 1990s, when oil prices
were low, many oil experts also questioned its economic feasibility.

However, the steady rise of oil prices since 2001, as well as
increased instability in the Middle East, made BTC attractive once
again. In the words of Sabit Bagirov, head of the Centre for Economic
and Political Studies in Baku, no one doubts the economic case for
the pipeline, `The fact that a project worth four billion dollars is
two thirds financed by foreign institutions is proof of its

The first contract to develop the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oilfields in
the Caspian Sea was signed in 1994 and nicknamed `the Contract of the
Century’. Other projects have proved commercially non-viable, but the
aforementioned sites have delivered even more than was expected of
them, said Pasha Kesmanski, oil and gas expert from Trend news

An official from Azerbaijan’s state oil company, SOCAR, who asked to
remain anonymous, said that many foreign oil investors had abandoned
projects and pulled out of Azerbaijan when oil prices were low. `But
now the oil price is much higher and so we are now thinking of
developing those projects ourselves without foreign partners, using
the revenue we get from our current energy projects,’ he said.

The presence of Kazak president Nursultan Nazarbayev at the opening
ceremony signalled another potential dimension for the pipeline, as
an outlet for oil from Kazakstan.

`Judging by the estimates of the companies involved in the project,
BTC is viable even with the resources of the three Azerbaijani fields
Azeri, Chirag and Guneshli and with the addition of Kazakstan its
economic attractiveness will grow significantly,’ said Bagirov.

Nazarbayev himself told the ceremony, `We are the main oil producers
in the region and over the coming decade we can become major players
in the expert of energy resources.’

Kazakstan itself uses no more than 30 million tonnes of oil a year
but plans to extract 100 millions by 2010 and 150 million by 2015.

Azerbaijan will produce 20-25 million tonnes of oil in 2005, rising
to 50-60 million tonnes in 2007 of which 44 million is due to be
exported, mainly via BTC.

`With the start of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline a Mediterranean market
will appear for our oil alongside the existing Black Sea market,’
said President Aliev. `We will also provide all the necessary
infrastructure for the transit of oil from Kazakstan. The doors are
open for everyone to join this project, including the Russian

Aliev also said that the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline ending on the
Russian coast of the Black Sea was now no longer commercially
attractive in comparison to BTC.

Russian energy envoy Igor Yusupov was due to represent Moscow at the
ceremony but did not attend, saying he was ill.

With the oil price now consistently over 40 dollars a barrel, new
projections are being made as to what revenues Azerbaijan will earn
from BTC and what this will mean for a country with mass poverty.

According to Inglab Akhmedov, director of the Public Finance
Monitoring Centre in Baku, estimated that over the next 25 years
Azerbaijan could be set to earn as much as 160 billion dollars from
all its oil and gas projects.

`That is a colossal amount of money when you set it against an annual
budget of two billion dollars,’ Akhmedov said. `And that creates
risks for the economy as a whole. In its short history independent
Azerbaijan has not only not acquired experience in managing large
amounts of money, but it’s also not created an infrastructure for the
effective and transparent management of oil revenues when society has
weak control over them.’

An Oil Fund has been set up to ensure wise spending of oil revenues,
but there’s concern about how effective it will be. `While the Oil
Fund is the most transparent organization in the country, there is
still a lack of clarity in the way it is used,’ said Bagirov.

And others express an additional worry that Azerbaijan will suffer
from what is known as `Dutch Disease’ when a country is over-reliant
on natural resources and the rest of the economy suffers.

Gulnaz Gulieva is a freelance journalist in Baku. Rufat Abasov is a
reporter with Reuters in Baku.