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Unemployment Insurance Different from Assistance for Employment


YEREVAN, MAY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. The bill “On Social Protection in Case
of Population’s Employment and Unemployment” was approved at the May
25 sitting of RA government. The bill will be submitted to the NA in a
fixed order. The law regulates the legal bases of RA population’s
employment, principles of state policy, state guarantees of free
choice of labor and employment and social protection of unemployed.
The bill on “Introduction of Amendments to RA Code of Administrative
Violations” was also approved at the sitting. The goal of this bill is
to fix administrative fines in case of violation or non-fulfilment of
demands envisaged by the bill “On Social Protection in Case of
Population’s Employment and Unemployment” by employers. It’s envisaged
that introduction of system of application of measures on calling to
account will contribute to rise in level of responsibility of
officials for decisions made for the purpose of regulation of legal
relations of employment, as well as will encourage employers for
observation of conditions and rules fixed by the legislation. Sona
Haroutiunian, Chief of the Employment Agency of RA Ministry of Labor
and Social Issues, informed journalists after the sitting that
separate articles of the current law hamper complete realization of
employment programs. For instance, the status of unemployed is only
given to persons looking for a job and having an insurance record,
i.e. a citizen who have done compulsory military service but has no
insurance record and education can’t be included in programs on
retraining or getting a speciality. Or programs aimed at assisting to
employment receive more financing from insurance sums. The program of
monetary assistance is among these programs, it was stopped because of
inefficiency. At present, according to S.Haroutiunian, their task is
to exactly differentiate an insurance employment program from a
program of assistance to employment.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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