BAKU: Azerbaijan to hamper Armenia’s GUAM admission

Azerbaijan to hamper Armenia’s GUAM admission

Baku, May 30, AssA-Irada

Chairman of Ukrainian Supreme Rada (parliament) Vladimir Litvin
has said that Armenia’s admission to GUAM, a regional organization
comprising Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova, is possible.

Commenting on the statement, Azerbaijani parliament speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov said that Azerbaijan will hamper Armenia’s admission to
the organization by all means.

Alasgarov told journalists at Baku airport on Sunday upon returning
from the 2nd meeting of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly held in Yalta
that the possibility of admission of not only European countries but
also several Central Asian countries to GUAM is acceptable.

Armenian Foreign Minister has said that Armenia has not received such
proposal. Official Yerevan will consider the proposal if it is made,
Armenia media quoted Vardan Oskanian as saying.

“However, entering an organization would primarily entail believing
its principles and goals. GUAM is reconsidering its objectives at
this point, as there are a lot of uncertainties”, said Oskanian.*