California Courier Online, June 2, 2005

California Courier Online, June 2, 2005

1 – Commentary

Turks Cause Worldwide Outcry
By Canceling Genocide Conference

By Harut Sassounian
California Courier Publisher
2 – Ani Darakdjian Named
US Director of JAA
3 – Paul Krekorian Elected President
Of Burbank Board of Education
4 – Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Meeting
Identifies 2005 Beneficiary Project
5 – Catholicos Karekin II Begins
Visit to California on June 1
6 – Turkey Refuses
To Register YBC’s
Ararat Brandy
7 – WDEF Receives $3 Million
From Paul Lyons Estate
8 – Armenian Moms & Daughters Team 813
One of Largest in Revlon Walk for Cancer
1 – Commentary
Turks Cause Worldwide Outcry
By Canceling Genocide Conference

By Harut Sassounian
Publisher, The California Courier

For several months now, I have been writing about the Turkish officials’
unintended efforts in publicizing the Armenian Genocide issue worldwide.
Last week, Turkey’s Minister of Justice Cemil Cicek provided the best
evidence for my contention.
Three of Turkey’s most prestigious universities had organized a conference
that was to take place in Istanbul, May 25-27, on “Ottoman Armenians During
the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and
Democracy.” Invited to this conference from around the world were only
those Turkish scholars who did not accept the Turkish government’s denial
of the Armenian Genocide.
Minister Cicek, speaking on the floor of the Turkish Parliament, called
these Turkish scholars “traitors” and accused them of “stabbing the Turkish
nation in the back.” He made this statement after several so-called
historians, who are hired by the government to deny the Armenian Genocide,
complained that they were not invited to this conference. A few members of
the parliament also attacked the organizers of the conference for betraying
Turkey’s interests.
Fearing that these scholars were about to disclose a version of history
which was not in line with that approved by the Turkish government, the
Governor of Istanbul called Ayse Soysal, the rector of Bogazici University,
the day before the conference, and ordered her to cancel the meeting. She
declined. She also refused requests later that day from the Chief Public
Prosecutor to hand over the texts of the papers to be delivered at the
conference. In such an atmosphere of insults, slander, intimidation and
threats, the organizers were left with no choice but to cancel the
The Turkish government made, once again, a very serious miscalculation. By
trying to silence these scholars, the Turkish officials stirred up a
hornet’ s nest. This time, the Turkish government was not attacking
Armenians or foreigners for maligning the Turkish nation, but a large
number of Turkish
scholars who had refused to swallow the “official” Turkish version of the
Armenian Genocide. In the past seven days, Turkish newspapers have
published hundreds of articles and commentaries condemning the Justice
Minister’s attempt to deprive these scholars of their right to free speech,
especially at a time when the Turkish leaders are trying to convince the
world that they have met all the requirements for the start of negotiations
to join the European Union.
Making matters worse, scores of Turkish and foreign officials and
associations have also deplored the heavy-handed approach of the Turkish
government. Here are some of the reactions to the cancellation of the
— Several congressmen made remarks on the House floor questioning Turkey’s
democratic credentials and its qualification for EU membership (Cong. Frank
Pallone, Joe Knollenberg, Adam Schiff, George Radanovich, Thaddeus McCotter
and Steve Rothman).
— Statement issued by the Prof. Tosun Terzioglu, the President of Sabanci
University, one of the organizers of the conference, expressing distress
and displeasure at the cancellation of the conference.
— Press conference held by Professors Selim Deringil and Edhem Eldem,
professors of history at the Bosphorus University, the host of the
conference. Prof. Eldem said: “The one that would lose the most as a
consequence of these developments will, unfortunately, be Turkey.”
— Declaration by Orhan Silier, the Director of the Turkish Historical
— Press releases issued by the Zoryan Institute, the ANCA and the Armenian
— A joint declaration by the conference organizers and participants. —
Letter to Prime Minister Erdogan from Prof. Ali Banuazizi, the President of
the Middle East Studies Association of North America, calling on Turkey, as
a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory of the European
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, to
protect the rights of the Turkish scholars.
— Dispatches released by international wire services (AP, Reuters, AFP)
and articles published in hundreds of newspapers and magazines around the
world, including The Chronicle of Higher Education, criticizing the
cancellation of the genocide conference.
— Statements of condemnation issued by various European political parties
and EU officials. “The remarks of the Justice Minister are unacceptable.
This is an authoritarian approach raising questions over Turkey’s reform
process,” a diplomat from an EU country told AFP.
— The International Association of Genocide Scholars issued a statement
calling the cancellation of the conference “a major violation of basic
standards of academic freedom in the free world.”
–154 scholars from 11 Turkish universities signed a joint letter
protesting the violation of the academic independence of universities.
— The Izmir Contemporary Attorneys’ Association and the Izmir Human Rights
Association filed charges against the Justice Minister. They accused the
Minister of violating several articles of the Turkish constitution, along
with articles of the International Convention on Civil and Political
— Dogu Ergil, in a commentary in the Turkish Daily News, ridiculed Prime
Minister Erdogan’s repeated calls to leave the issue of the Armenian
Genocide to historians. “The last decision of the government was to ‘leave
the matter to the historians.’ Well, it is the historians who are taking on
the initiative now. No, oh, no! They are the ‘wrong’ historians and
scholars because they do not accept and repeat the same political position
adopted by the officialdom,” wrote Ergil.
Despite this worldwide outcry, neither Minister Cicek nor his boss, Prime
Minister Erdogan, seem to have learned anything from the worldwide
anti-Turkish publicity they helped generate. Cicek insists that he stands
behind his words and does not regret calling the scholars traitors. He said
he has the right to express his opinion. Apparently, only government
officials enjoy the freedom to express themselves, but not the scholars,
and not anyone else, for that matter.
Prime Minister Erdogan also does not get it. He said that the Turkish
scholars should first study the archives before they can hold a conference
on the Armenian Genocide – a convenient excuse to avoid this issue. The
whole purpose of the conference was for the scholars to present what they
had uncovered in their research.
Before the Prime Minister of Turkey can invite Armenian and Turkish
historians to discuss the Armenian Genocide, he should allow independent
Turkish scholars to discuss it first among themselves. These Turkish
scholars may find the truth on their own without needing any help from
their Armenian counterparts.
2 – Ani Darakdjian Named
US Director of JAA
LOS ANGELES – The Board of Directors of Junior Achievement of Armenia (JAA)
has named Ani Darakdjian its US Director, a new full-time post based in Los
Angeles, California.
“The appointment of Ani Darakdjian as US Director marks a significant
development in the history of our organization,” commented Armine
Hovannisian, JAA’s Executive Director. “She is the perfect addition to the
JAA family and comes on board at a time when our growth presents new and
exciting challenges.”
Darakdjian’s responsibilities cover the entire spectrum of JAA’s stateside
operation, including financial management, collaborating with JAA’s
Armenia-based staff to coordinate and manage all programs and activities,
and actively pursuing new sources of funding for the organization.
“The establishment of a US Director position is a testament to JAA’s
continued commitment to achieving excellence both in programming and in
organizational operations,” said Jack Berberian, President of the JAA Board
of Directors
Darakdjian comes to JAA after an exhaustive nationwide search that produced
many impressive candidates. Her resume stood out among the dozens received
because of her exceptional professional and academic accomplishments. Her
career spans corporate consulting, business development and international
affairs, including experience both in the US and Europe in economic
development and international trade. She holds an MBA in Finance and
Management as well as a Master of International Affairs, both from Columbia
“It’s a privilege to contribute to Armenia’s economic and political
development in this capacity,” said Ms. Darakdjian. “The work of this
organization – instilling in Armenia’s youth the values and principles of
democracy, social responsibility and ethical free enterprise – is essential
to building a strong foundation for the country’s future.”
The hiring of Darakdjian comes amidst the expansion of JAA’s vital and
much-lauded work in Armenia, which today reaches 170,000 students annually
through both its economics and civics courses.
JAA has successfully rolled out its civics program to all of the country’s
high schools. With the conclusion of its current USAID grant in 2005, the
Armenian Ministry of Education and Science will assume the administrative
and financial responsibilities of the program in the 8th, 9th and 10th
grades. JAA will continue to play a critical role in civics education by
providing advanced teacher training, innovative extracurricular programs,
increased access to the Internet, international competitions, and
supplemental civics materials.
3 – Paul Krekorian Elected President
Of Burbank Board of Education
BURBANK, Calif. – The Burbank Board of Education has unanimously elected
Paul Krekorian to serve as the President of the Board for 2005-2006.
Krekorian, who has served as a Board member since 2003, was elevated to the
highest position at the Board’s May 4 meeting, before a crowded audience
of friends and supporters.
Upon his selection, Krekorian was handed the gavel by outgoing President
Dave Kemp. Krekorian thanked Kemp warmly for his leadership for the past
year and presented him with a plaque of recognition. Krekorian then took
the center chair and led the remainder of the meeting.
In his comments, Krekorian cited some of the many accomplishments of the
Board in the two years since his election. Burbank schools have made
great strides during that period in academic achievement, significantly
increasing test scores. English language learners are being redesignated
as fluent in English at a much faster rate than in surrounding districts,
and much faster than the County and State averages. The district’s
finances are now strong, marking a huge turnaround from the disastrous
condition of the budget just two years ago. The district has made great
improvements in communication with all families and in outreach to Armenian
parents. The district’s relationships with its teachers, with the City and
with its business partners have never been stronger.
“I feel honored and humbled to be given the opportunity to lead this
outstanding school district,” Krekorian said. “We’ve made tremendous
progress over the last two years, and I’m looking forward to building on
that progress and taking the Burbank Unified School District to an even
higher level of excellence.”
Krekorian is believed to be the only Armenian-American ever elected to any
office by the voters of Burbank. As such, Krekorian brings a special
insight to the Board on issues that impact the ever-increasing number of
Armenian students and their families. “We need to ensure that all of our
students are treated fairly and have every opportunity to participate fully
in all school programs,” Krekorian said. “No student and no parent
should ever feel stigmatized or excluded because of their last name or
because they have limited English abilities.”
In his first year in office, Krekorian demanded and obtained recognition of
the April 24 remembrance of the Armenian Genocide by the L.A. County Office
of Education. As a result of Krekorian’s efforts, the remembrance will be
observed in all future editions of the County Education Office’s calendar
of important educational events, which is distributed to teachers
throughout the County. Previously, Krekorian had worked with State Senator
Jack Scott and the Burbank ANC to ensure that all of the district’s world
history teachers would have the curricular material they need to teach the
Genocide appropriately.
Krekorian also initiated the first-ever Armenian Cultural Awareness
workshop for Burbank teachers, in partnership with the Burbank Teachers’
Association and the Burbank ANC. The workshop gave participants new
insights into Armenian history, culture, language and traditions, and
offered a variety of tools to help make teachers and administrators more
effective in reaching their Armenian students. Similarly, Krekorian has
worked closely with the PTA on strategies to make Armenian families feel
more welcome in the schools and to encourage greater parental involvement
in their children’s education.
4 – Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Meeting
Identifies 2005 Beneficiary Project
GLENDALE – With the North-South Highway in Nagorno Karabagh on the verge of
successful completion, the Board of Trustees of “Hayastan” All-Armenian
Fund identified a new three-year beneficiary project, Revival of Artsakh,
during its 14th annual meeting on May 2, in Yerevan.
Scheduled to air live on Thursday, November 24 this year (Thanksgiving Day)
from Glendale, Calif., Telethon 2005 will raise funds for the first stage
of the program – structural development of Martakert region of Nagorno
“The Board of Trustees meeting reassured once again that as always Armenia
Fund, Inc., along with its 19 worldwide affiliates, is on the frontline of
nation-building. This time we embark on a grand program of bringing
regional development to Nagorno Karabagh. Upon completion, the
multifaceted project, that is broken up into three stages will lay down the
necessary infrastructure in key areas in each of the three zones that would
induce overall economic development. Health care, housing, rural roads,
education, drinking water, agricultural initiatives and irrigation are the
primary areas that we are going to target in
Martakert, which is the first zone that we have chosen. The Trustees chose
Martakert as the first zone taken the fact that it is the most damaged
region in the war with Azerbaijan, it is right on the border with
Azerbaijan and it has the greatest potential for growth.” explained Maria
Mehranian, chair, Armenia Fund – United States Western Region.
Chaired by Armenian President Robert Kocharian, over 27 trustees and 19
representatives from affiliates worldwide convened
for Hayastan Fund’s annual meeting. Armenia Fund’s U.S. Western Region was
represented by Mehranian and Ara Aghishian, Vice-Chair.
Highlighting the accomplishments of 2004, Naira Melkoumian, executive
director of Hayastan Fund, emphasized the significance of Telethon 2004 and
the unprecedented $11.5 million raised towards the completion of the
North-South Highway. “In 2004, Hayastan Fund implemented over 100 projects
at a cost of $18 million throughout Armenia and Karabakh,
financing or which was made available through the donations of Armenians
from around the world.” added Melkoumian.
It is noteworthy that Hayastan All-Armenian Fund passed a rigorous
financial and construction audit conducted by Grant Thornton Amyot, a
leading global accounting and business advisory firm.
Commenting on the financial audit, chief auditor Armand Pinarbasi noted “In
our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the
financial position of “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund as of December 31, 2004,
and of the funds received and expenses incurred and its cash flows for the
year ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards”.
For more information on Armenia Fund – US Western Region, visit
or call 818 – 243 – 6222.
5 – Catholicos Karekin II Begins
Visit to California on June 1
LOS ANGELES–The second Pontifical Visit of Catholicos Karekin II,
Catholicos of All Armenians, to the Western Diocese of the Armenian
Apostolic Church, will take place from June 1-20. This particular visit is
of historical significance as the foundations of the new Mother Cathedral
of the 107-year-old Diocese will be laid during a groundbreaking ceremony.
The Pontiff’s visit marks a milestone in the life of the Armenian community
in North America. During his time in California, the Catholicos will
celebrate Divine Liturgy, visit Diocese churches, conduct religious
services, meet with organizations and youth, as well as visit hospitals in
the area.
The Blessing of the Foundation Stones of the Mother Cathedral of the
Diocese will take place on June 4, at 10 AM, presided by the Catholicos and
assisted by Western Diocese Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. The
Pontifical banquet welcoming the Catholicos will take place later that
evening at the Century Plaza Hotel.
For reservations or more information, visit the Armenian Church website at
or contact the Diocesan office at (818) 558-7474.
The Pontifical Divine Liturgy will be held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of
Angels in Los Angeles on June 5 at 3:30 PM. The Catholicos will follow his
Southern California visit with travel to the Central and Northern
California parishes from June 11-20.
After visiting Fresno area parishes, the Catholicos will hold a Pontifical
meeting June 15 with local dignitaries at a private reception in
At 6 p.m., the Hrashapar Service will be held at St. James Armenian Church,
3240 “B” Street in Sacramento.
On Saturday, June 18 at 6 p.m., a Pontifical Banquet will be held at the
Burlingame Marriott Hotel.
Banquet tickets must be purchased by June 4, 2005. Seating is limited.
For information, contact one of the Northern California churches: St. James
Armenian Church, Sacramento, (916) 443-3633; St. John Armenian Church,
San Francisco, (415) 661-1142; St. Vartan Armenian Church, Oakland, (510)
893-1671; St. Andrew Armenian Church, Cupertino, (408) 257-6743
On June 19, at 10:30 p.m., a Pontifical Divine Liturgy will be held at the
St. Andrew Armenian Apostolic Church in Cupertino
Catholicos Karekin II will celebrate the Divine Liturgy with Archbishop
Hovnan Derderian. Assisting clergy include: Rev. Fr. Datev Harutyunian (St.
Andrew Armenian Church, Cupertino), Rev. Fr. Mesrob Sarafian (St. Vartan
Armenian Church, Oakland), Rev. Fr. Sarkis Petoyan (St. John Armenian
Church, San Francisco), and Rev. Fr. Yeghia Hairabedian (St. James Armenian
Church, Sacramento). Joint choirs from these Northern California churches
will sing ancient hymns of the liturgy led by Anahid Nalvarian. Holy
Communion will be offered to all Armenian Orthodox faithful during Mass.
On June 20, the Catholicos and his entourage will return to the Mother See
of Holy Etchmiadzin.
6 – Turkey Refuses
To Register YBC’s
Ararat Brandy
YEREVAN (Arminfo) – Turkey has refused to register the Ararat brand of
Yerevan Brandy Company, President and Director General of YBC Herve Caroff
told Armenia media last week.
He said that Turkish officials explained their denial by the fact that
Ararat is in Turkish territory of Turkey and does not belong to Armenia,
hereby the Ararat trademark of YBC cannot be registered in Turkey.
YBC has appealed the refusal, but its claim has not been satisfied, Herve
Caroff says. He says YBC policy is to register its trademarks in the
markets it intends to enter.
YBC trademarks are registered in 48 countries, and its production is sold
in 25 countries.
7- WDEF Receives $3 Million
From Paul Lyons Estate
BURBANK, Calif. – The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North
American received $3 million to its Endowment Fund from the trust of
Frances Paul Lyons. Upon the passing of the trustees, Dr. S. Barre Paul and
Lillian M. Paul, the distribution of the trust was completed by beneficiary
Varnum Paul, Frances’s brother.
The Western Diocese Endowment Fund (WDEF) will received approximately
three-fifths of the total trust of $5 million. The remained will benefit
the St. Nersess Theological Seminary, the St. John Armenian Apostolic
Church of San Francisco, and the California Armenian Home in Fresno.
The funds will be placed in the WDEF as “The Almas Paul and Frances Paul
Lyons Fund,” and will benefit the general operation of the Western Diocese.
Varnum Paul and Dr. S. Barre have been members of the Armenian Apostolic
Church and staunch supporters of the Western Diocese. In 1979, Varnum Paul
was instrumental in creating the WDEF. The Paul Brothers have played key
roles in the materialization of the several important projects of the
Diocese, including the construction of the S. Barre and Varnum Paul
Galleria of the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian Complex. Varnum Paul has also
contributed to the construction of the Mother Cathedral of the Western
Diocese as a Godfather.
8 – Armenian Moms & Daughters Team 813
One of Largest in Revlon Walk for Cancer
LOS ANGELES – The Armenian Moms & Daughters Team 813 was one of the most
impressive teams participating in the 3.1-mile Revlon Run/Walk for Women on
May 7. With 167 registrants, the Armenian team was ranked 14th in size
among 800
teams that participated and all along the 3.1-mile route around the Los
Angeles Memorial Coliseum Revlon people could be heard saying, “Wow, that’s
a really big team.”
“We are proud that so many Armenian women and men joined the team and we
were able to walk together. It’s a sign of unity among the Armenians,
regardless of age, background and affiliations,” says Team 813 co-captain
and organizer Eileen eusseyan. “What is most impressive is that the teams
that were larger than us represented huge corporations with tens of
thousands of employees, like Sav-On Drugs. They walked in smaller groups,
while we Armenians stuck together and looked like an army of pink.”
Keusseyan’s reference to pink was the color of the Armenian Moms &
Daughters t-shirts, all 200 of which were donated by Dr. Jack H. Sarkisian,
a family doctor in Glendale. The shirts bore a special logo designed by
Michael Chakrian, a 10th-grade student.
The Armenian Moms & Daughters team included men, boys and young girls.
Melissa, a young teen and a 6-year survivor of kidney cancer, joyfully
walked along with women much older than she, some of whom had had one or
both breasts removed due to cancer. While many of the members of the
Armenian team had lost a mother, an aunt or a sister to cancer, the mood
was positive and upbeat.
“We can overcome this if we stay together and support each other,” says
Team 813 co-captain and organizer Alice Chakrian, who lost her
mother-in-law to breast cancer last year. “That’s why we’re here. To raise
awareness and money so that more research can be done to find a cure.”
The Armenian Moms & Daughters Team 813 has raised well over $7,000 for the
Revlon Run/Walk, whose proceeds go
to support women’s cancers research and provide diagnostic treatment
services, counseling and financial aid for the needy who are found to have
June 10 is the final deadline for donations. Anyone wishing to make a
donation to the Revlon Run/Walk may send a check to: Revlon Run/Walk For
Women, P.O. Box 4059, Santa Monica, CA 90411-4059. Please mark Team 813 on
the check and the form, which can be obtained on the event website at
. For further information on Team 813, contact Eileen
Keusseyan at [email protected] or Alice Chakrian at [email protected].
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From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress