Frenchmen will never forgive Turkey


Pan Armenian News
31.05.2005 05:51

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “Ankara will never be accepted to the EU. France will
oppose that. The French have not forgotten the monstrous Genocide and
will never forgive Turkey annexing part of Armenia,” stated famous
French composer, arranger, conductor and pianist Michel Legrand. In
his words, such a country as Turkey is not entitled to accession to
the joint Europe. “If our Government and President Jacques Chirac
try to impose accession of Turkey to the Frenchmen, it will result
in a revolution,” he said. In an interview with Izvestia newspaper
Legrand stated the father of his mother was an Armenian, who had
to flee from his country during the Genocide in 1915 – “he came
to France and married my grandmother – a Frenchwoman. Thus, I am a
quarter Armenian,” the Yerkir newspaper