Most Smokers In Armenia Among European Countries


YEREVAN, May 31. /ARKA/. Armenia ranks first among the European
countries as to the number of smokers, Chairwoman of the RA
Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and
Youth Affairs Hranush Hakobyan stated at a round-table “Present-day
problems of Armenia’s antismoking policy”. She also added that the
country ranks 8th in the world. “According to official statistics,
35% of cancer cases result from smoking,” she said. Hakobyan said
that all Armenian citizens are smokers. “The lack of smoking rules
results in nonsmokers becoming passive smokers,” Hakobyan said. She
also reported that 64% of men and 10% of women are smokers in Armenia.

Armenia’s citizens spend 25mln USD on tobacco every year. Four to
six persons dies from smoking in Armenia yearly. According to NGOs,
Armenia’s revenue from the import and sale of tobacco increased by 60%
in 2001-2003 totaling 42mln USD. P.T. -0–

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress