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ANKARA: Belgium: Armenian Bill Postponed

Belgium: Armenian Bill Postponed

Journal of Turkish Weekly
June 2 2005

The Belgium Senate Justice Commission has once again postponed the
voting of an amendment that envisions monetary fines and jail terms
for those who deny the Armenian allegations.

During Commission’s May 31 session, heat debates took place for the
motion. Emir Kir of Turkish origin Belgium politician was targeted as

A proposal to invite experts to the Commission to discuss the
Armenian claims was also rejected. The conclusion for the discussions
at the Commission is expected on Tuesday, June 7. Observers
indicating supporters of the Armenian thesis have lost ground during
the May 31 discussions, claim that the likelihood of the draft’s
approval according to the demands of theArmenian lobby has

A Senate member of Turkish origin Belgian , Fatma Pehlivan also took
the floor on May 31 and highlighted the drawbacks of the amendment

The May 31 session became the stage for a battle of words between
Belgian Minister of Justice Laurette Onkelix and Senator Alain
Destexhe. When Destexhe asked: “Kir denies. Why don’t you condemn
him?” by targeting Kir as an example, Onkelinx accused Destexhe of
running after petty calculations.

Dr. Nilgun Gulcan argued that the Armenians try to prevent any
different approach.

2 June 2005

Frangulian Shushan:
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