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Looking for the way of trust



| 18:59:54 | 03-06-2005 | Politics |

“The Venice Commission has positively evaluated an anti-constitutional
term”, this was the opinion of the initiative “Cooperation for the
sake of Open Society” about the evaluation of the European experts
of the RA Electoral Code amendments. Particularly, they referred to
the inclusion of the Judges into the electoral Committees. We tried
to find out the opinion of the Venice Commission secretary Gianni
Bukikio about the issue.

“There is such a system in many European countries. In the RA
Constitution there is a term which prohibits the judges to take part
in the work of the authorities, but the electoral committees are not
state structures, they are independent structures. The problem must be
solved by Armenia himself. Our offer was that the court offices must
be able to appoint lawyers in the committees”, commented Mr. Bukikio.

And OSCE Venice Commission head Christian Schtrohal added, “There is
not a single model which must be chosen for all the countries. In every
country elections are held individually. Here the trust of electors for
the electoral process is important, and in order to reach this trust
you must create a professional and balanced electoral administration
in which everyone will trust”.

Karapetian Hovik:
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